Hij is weliswaar tegen de splitsing van België en vóór het koningshuis, maar ook ,,rechts-conservatief en zeer Vlaamsgezind'', zo heeft hij vrijdag Het Laatste Nieuws laten weten. Hij vindt het een goede zaak als Vlaanderen zoveel mogelijk zelf kan beslissen ,,wat het beste is voor Vlaamse mensen''.
N-VA-leider Bart De Wever heet 'nonkel Henri', zoals de graaf in België genoemd wordt, van harte welkom in zijn partij. Dat het nieuwe lid vasthoudt aan zijn koningsgezindheid is geen probleem. ,,Van de 1,2 miljoen N-VA-stemmers zal hij wel niet de enige zijn met sympathie voor het koningshuis.'' © GPD; Bron: ANP
If I understand my translation right this doesn't seem like a big deal to me. If I understand right he still supports the monarchy and the preservation of the Kingdom of Belgium. Given that, it doesn't seem like a 'big deal'. I hope it is not used as something to trouble the Crown Princess over.
ReplyDeleteIt is not so bad and I can understand the politics and being concerned for Flanders, but it does not quite "look" good for a relative of the crown princesse having Flemish nationalist ties. I hope the news coming out does not spoil our lovely princesse's family holiday.
ReplyDeleteHis Majesty. My respectful greetings to His Majesty. My love and my admiration for you and your family distinguished and appreciated.
ReplyDeleteIt is an honor for me to express these humble words of appreciation and affection for you.
I am at your service, please you write to email: ronald_porta@yahoo.com
Thank you for your kind attention.
In his hands, kisses and hugs my respect.
From Costa Rica, Ronald Porta (Della Porta Tüchler)
His Majesty. My Greetings from Costa Rica .
I am Ronald Pelayo Porta(Della Porta Tüchler)
My Families are:
Della Porta Family of Spain , Italy , France , England
My Great Grand Grand Father is: Ramon Porta i Solans of Barcelona, Spain, brother of The Count Palatine Laterano Raimundo Ignacio Porta y de Solans.
My Great Grand Grand Mother is: Feliciana Roldan of France .
My Ancester is The Marchesse Ferdinando Della Porta of Naples , Italy, and The Count Antonio Della Porta.
Tüchler Family of Bromberg , Poland , Germany .
Meyer Family of Bromberg , Poland , Germany .
Romanov-Romanoff Family of Russia.( My Ancesters are Czar Imperial Family of Russia )
My Great Grand Grand Father is: Israel Tüchler Romanov (Romanoff)
My Great Grand Grand Mother is Jetty Meyer.
My Great Grand Father is: Bernhard Tüchler Meyer
P.O Box(Post office box): 781-2200 Coronado , San José , Costa Rica , Central America .
Email: ronald_porta@yahoo.com, ronald_porta@hotmail.com, ronaldporta@gmail.com, ronald_porta58@myspace.com, RonaldPort636@dukeprinceprincess-royalty.ning.com, RonaldPort636@monte-carlo.ning.com, RonaldPort636@tmeihsthevictorious.ning.com, RonaldPort636@albertofmonaco.ning.com, RonaldDell911@monte-carlo.ning.com, RonaldDell911@napoleonexchangeworld.ning.com
With love, your friend from Costa Rica ,
Ronald Porta (Della Porta Tüchler)