Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Documentaire sur Léopold III le 25 février sur la RTBF

Le 25 février, la RTBF proposera "Léopold III, mon père", un documentaire de 90 minutes de Nicolas Delvaulx. La princesse Marie-Esméralda présente dans ce documentaire la vie de son père et de sa famille sur un éclairage nouveau et plus familial. Dépositaire de nombreux documents, photos, et témoignages ayant appartenu à la famille royale depuis le règne de Léopold Ier, la princesse en montrera certains pour la première fois à la télévision.



  1. What do you think of this strange new book/rumor about Leopold III? I just heard about it.

  2. I have not seen it yet so I do not know the new rumor (maybe I can get home this summer if I can see it). Or do you mean the properties at Argenteuil? I heard some had accused Princesse Lilian of taking all that but is shown clearly that the government took control, moving some and selling others. For the documentaire I am optimistic of a better view of King Leopold III, a different change if no one is being criticized and all attention be put on the abdication and instead showing the good, resolute man that was the King, in spite of all the difficulties put in his way.

  3. I meant the book that has just come out and been discussed all over the press, involving a supposed "secret daughter" of Leopold III. Not sure what to think of it, since there have been so many false stories spread about him in the past. Rather a pity for this to explode, just before poor Esmeralda is scheduled to present her documentary.
