Saturday, July 31, 2010
R.I.P. Roi Baudouin

Friday, July 30, 2010
The "Politics" Controversy of Leopold III

Some who cannot think of criticisms for the content of the Testament criticize the "style" of it, claiming the King "sounding" authoritarian and to be "talking down" to the readers. This should be instantly dismissed unless they are claiming to have psychic powers to read the mind and attitude of the King at the time. What is criticized of the content is that he used the term "occupation" to refer to the future Allied invasion rather than the term "liberation". That sounds bad (we are told) unless one considers that it was true! This is simply a matter of correct definition. Any time a country has military forces of another country or countries on their soil it is an "occupation". Since the time of independence Belgium had a policy of neutrality and it did not matter what country carried out the occupation -it would still be an occupation even if it would work out as liberation. That is a silly argument to pick on.
Also there was the King's writing of not recognizing the agreements, actions and policies enacted by the government-in-exile during the war. Again, here we have something being made complicated and controversial that is actually very simple. The King had trouble before the war with the politicians who wanted to obstruct him so there was probably some strained feelings there. However, the government of the country was, is and always has consisted of the King and his ministers. The government-in-exile did not recognize any decisions taken by the King during the war because without his ministers he could not be the sole voice of government on his own. However, by that same logic they show the King as correct since any policies they enacted without his approval would also not be valid -by their own standards!

It should also be remembered that this was an invented controversy. The government-in-exile never published the testament, they ignored it (partly because they did not want to offend radical leftist elements that were cooperating with the exile government) and so the document really had no practical use. This was brought out and exposed later simply so that those putting it out could twist the words and the spirit in which it was written to smear the reputation of King Leopold III. However, the fog of political spin should be put aside and look at the clear, basic facts of what was actually written and when that is done anyone can see that there was nothing outrageous or controversial in the Political Testament of S.M. Leopold III.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Princesse Lilian de Réthy
Second wife of King Leopold III, one of the more glamorous members of the Belgian Royal Family, just sadly never able to be Queen.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Interview with Half-Belgian Princess of Italy

Q: Do you remember your departure to exile?
A: “Yes, very well. The year was 1946 and we left Italy on board a warship full of cockroaches, but for us, as children, meant the discovery of the world, it was really fun. After a referendum was not clear who gave the victory to. The King would not face the Italians in a civil war and decided to leave.”
Q: What has served you as the daughter of King?
A: “Our family, the Savoy, has over a thousand years of history. Kings reunified Italy in the nineteenth century. My father, during his exile of more than three decades suffered a lot. He left Italy for 46 years. We love your country. But I was very homesick. Maybe that’s why he collected many prints, books, pictures, history … When he died it was divided into four parts. I bought that I belonged to one of my sisters, so now I have about ten thousand prints, both in books and other curious objects. I have a foundation, do exhibitions and conferences. In fact, I love to do a show in Spain with the clothes of my mother, wonders of the fashion of the Court of the 30s.
Q: “It portrays a world that no longer exists …
A: “Yes, everything has changed. The only maintaining these applications is the Queen of England. My mother was the daughter of King Albert I of Belgium and Elisabeth of Bavaria, the niece of Empress Sisi. The women were all fantastic, with many concerns. It was an independent woman opposite to fascism, he saw the disaster, tried to help but not the left. The war years were terrible.
Q: What do you think of the monarchy today?
A: “I think the monarchy will disappear sooner or later. King Juan Carlos has done very well, not to mention the Queen Sofia. Being Queen is a very hard job and it takes dedication to service. I have other concerns, perhaps because I have lived in exile. The prince who does serve should not resign his post and make way for those willing to sacrifice for this institution.
Q;What do you think Letizia?
A: I’ve seen her only once and was the day of her wedding. I think she is smart. She has a difficult role. That’s why I never wanted to marry a King. Not worth it.
Princess Maria Gabriella was also asked about the state of the House of Savoy, and why she supports her cousin, the Duke of Aosta, rather than her brother as head of the family.
“My brother did some things wrong in his life and is not a good representative of the dynasty. It should be like in Germany. People respect heads of families, but when he misbehaves, it is a quick throw for the cousin or little brother,” she said.
It would have been nice if the princesse could have held out more optimism for the Spanish monarchie since she was being interviewed by a Spanish publication especially.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Royal Belgium and Imperial Russia

When Belgian King Albert Ier heard about the brutal massacre of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II, his ally, by the Soviet Communists he was both horrified and outraged as both a devoted family man fond of the Romanovs and as an allied sovereign. Even though the British had entered the war on behalf of Belgium and in some ways were the closest allies of Belgium, King Albert I did not hesitate to voice his extreme displeasure at the British government, openly, for not doing absolutely everything in their power to save the lives of the Russian Imperial Family. When the war was over and Belgium restored the country welcomed in large numbers of White Russian exiles who established one of their largest expatriate communities in the country. These gallant Russian warriors were later very helpful in the combat against rising communist presence in Belgium as they knew first hand how dangerous these people were.
Naturally, relations were cool throughout this later period with Russia under Soviet rule and Belgium a key member of the NATO alliance. However, friendly relations were restored once again after the fall of the Soviet Union. Today Belgium and Russia have a good diplomatic relationship and are important trading partners to each other. It would still be much nicer though for the King of the Belgians to have a Tsar of all Russias to deal with instead of a president. Hopefully that can still change in the future.
Monday, July 26, 2010
"King Leopold II was a visionary hero"

"King Leopold II was a visionary hero"
Former Belgian foreign minister Louis Michel defends the second King of the Belgians from his many modern-day detractors.
Former Belgian foreign minister Louis Michel defends the second King of the Belgians from his many modern-day detractors.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
La reine Paola et l'art contemporain belge

Avec l'aide de la Donation Royale et de la Régie des Bâtiments, la Reine entreprend en 1993 un grand et ambitieux programme de rénovation et de mise en valeur du château et des serres de Laeken, du palais royal de Bruxelles et du château de Ciergnon. Tous les observateurs s'accordent pour dire que le résultat est magnifique.
En accord avec le Roi, notre souveraine décide d'intégrer l'art contemporain belge dans le palais royal de Bruxelles, construit au 19ème siècle. L'idée aurait germé dans sa tête suite à la visite du couple royal à l'exposition "La peinture flamande et néerlandaise du 20ème siècle", organisée à Venise en 1997. Paola aurait été encouragée par sa belle-soeur la grande-duchesse Joséphine-Charlotte de Luxembourg, qui avait entamé depuis longtemps une importante collection privée d'oeuvres d'art contemporaines. ...
Read full article at Blog sur la famille royale belge
Founder of a Dynasty

The Cross of Laeken gives a deep look at the founding Belgian monarch King Leopold I.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
The United States of Belgium

The Austrian Emperor Joseph II enacted laws that made the laws, courts and government uniform throughout his empire. He also suppressed religious orders, public displays of religious like processions, saying rosaries, favored government regulated education rather than religious education and the special rights and traditions of individual areas throughout the Hapsburg empire. The Catholics of Belgium quickly made rebellion against these policies led by men like Jan Frans Vonck (who first supported some of the changes and more revolutionary on the French model) and Henri Van der Noot (who wanted foreign support and restoration of traditional rights). Van der Noot went to Breda in the Dutch republic and organized the rebels into an army that then returned to Belgium and defeated the Austrian army at the battle of Turnhout. Ghent was captured later and the Austrian regents in Brussels fled the country and the remaining Austrians fortified themselves in Luxembourg and Antwerp while the rebels took over the rest of the country.
Taking ideas from the Dutch Republic and the recently formed United States of America the rebel leaders formed the United States of Belgium, which included most of the Austrian Netherlands except for Luxembourg. The Bishopric of Liege had also revolted on its own, the rebellion not part of the Brabant revolution, but joined forces with the United Belgian States as well. However, like the situation of today Belgians are very familiar with, the two factions that made the rebellion and made it successful from the start were also in constant deadlock and disagreement with each other. Some supported some of the imperial policies,
others wanted everything to go back the way it had been, some wanted to unite with the Dutch republic and others wanted to stay independent and some also wanted their old traditions preserved within the Hapsburg empire. There were finally, few people who really agreed on everything.
Joseph II died that year and his brother Leopold II became Emperor. He did not carry on all the same policies of his brother and sent powerful Austrian forces into Belgium to put down the rebellion and independence movement (divided and constantly on the edge of civil war within itself). Because of the dis-unity of the rebel leaders and their factions, in the end it was not especially difficult for the Austrians to restore their rule over Belgium and break up the independence government such as it was. In October Namur was captured and returned to imperial rule, followed quickly by West Flanders. By the month of December the United States of Belgium was gone and the Austrian Netherlands was restored and would remain until the tumult of the French Revolutionary wars. Like many ideas that sound very good it had ended in disaster but one thing that could not be destroyed was the idea of "Belgium". Contrary to what people think, Belgians had always thought of themselves as a unique people and while they might think the United Belgian States had been a rather poorly planned enterprise they were not going to abandon the idea of having an independent kingdom of their own.
Friday, July 23, 2010
King Leopold I

That same year was the Belgian revolt from the Netherlands and Prince Leopold was again offered a throne. This time it was a country 'down to earth', united in their desire for independence and for a popular monarchy. The much sought-after prince had some conditions, debts would have to be settled, the politics secured, foreign recognition given and he would keep his own Protestant religion but that would not be a problem since he would marry a French Catholic princesse and raise his children as Catholics. He accepted the Belgian throne on June 26 but was not given his oath as King Leopold I of the Belgians until July 21.

King Leopold had in the past a short and tragic marriage to Princess Charlotte of Britain and recently an unofficial marriage with a beautiful actress Karoline Bauer. Breaking that off in 1832 he married Princess Louise d'Orleans, daughter of the King of the French, a very remarkable woman, by whom he had four children. The first son died young, the second would be King Leopold II, the third Prince Philippe would be father of King Albert I and the fourth was little Princesse Charlotte who would become famous as "Carlota" Empress of Mexico. He opened the first railway in Europe in his Belgium and it was King Leopold who arranged the happy and very productive marriage of Britain's Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of Sachsen-Coburg. He tried to bring in more humane laws but was not always successful but because his family was so well connected to the major European monarchies he protected, peacefully and with words, Belgium from troubles with France and Prussia. He died in 1865 and was buried in the crypt at Notre Dame de Laeken.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Belgian Royal Meetings

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Fête Nationale 2010
The Royal Family celebrate 180 years of Belgian independence!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Belgian Queen of Italy

She would have to marry a proper Catholic royal heir but by the end of the war there were very few left. The Bavarian and Austrian monarchies were gone, the Portuguese monarchie was gone and the Spanish about to fall as well. The only real option was the Kingdom of Italy and heir to the Savoy house throne Prince Umberto of Piedmont. They met, still children, just before the war ended which greatly upset great aunt Marie-Sophie of Bavaria, the widowed last Queen of the Two Sicilies who was a passionate enemy of the House Savoy and unified Italy. Marie-José continued her education in Brussels after the war and in 1930 married Prince Umberto of Piedmont though it was an arranged marriage and not a happy one.
The couple lived in Turin and later Naples and had four children, only one son, whose birth as future King and Emperor (this was after the conquest of Ethiopia) was much heralded by the fascist press as the first prince born into the era of the empire (not to last long as we know now). Not everyone in Italy welcomed the new Princesse Marie-José of Piedmont. Conservatives were put off by her short hair and modern fashions but many others tried to copy her, making her a fashionable role model for the elites of Italian society. She was not political, having friends in the fascist party and friends opposed to it but she did help the agenda of the party pushing for “back to basics” motherhood methods such as breastfeeding. She allowed herself to be photographed breastfeeding (which again put off conservatives) to encourage upper class Italian ladies that such was fashionable and not something only for peasant women. We know now that this was very good advice.
When the Second Great War started Marie-José was distressed immensely by the invasion and occupation of Belgium and wanted to rush to the side of her family but her husband persuaded her to stay for the good of Italy. That was important because she showed herself the most intelligent person at court and was a crucial intermediary between the Allies and the Italian government. After Mussolini was dismissed and the King abdicated Umberto

The former Queen, Marie-José, lived in Mexico for a short time giving piano lessons but spent most of her exile in Switzerland. Everyone she went she was a respected and beloved member of the musical, artistic community. When she died of lung cancer at very advanced age in Geneva in 2001 the Italian government showed signs of some regrets. The love and sympathy for the ‘Queen of May’ Marie-José prompted them to finally abolish the law banning the Savoy Royal Family from Italy and allowing her family to return to their native soil. She was buried alongside her estranged husband in Savoy. Italian royalists said that they hoped some day the whole family could be buried together and that all Italians, royalist or republican, adored Queen Marie-José from Belgium because of her love of the Italian people and her love of liberty.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
The war cry of these Mexicans was VIVA CRISTO REY! That was what inspired the name for the movement Degrelle began. Rexisme advocated a very nationalist, authoritarian and very Catholic Belgium. It called for a moral rejuvenation of the country (good idea I think), rejected capitalism and democracy because of the corruption of the wealthy elite and the politicians and instead called for a corporatist government such as the Catholic Church had been supportive of. I do not know that corporatism has ever been fully tried in the modern world but it sounds like a good idea to me. Also important for is that the Rexists were supportive of the monarchy, that being one of the few things about the country’s government that they did not want to get rid of and totally change. The parliament would remain as well but in a very limited form since the corporate system would represent all interests.
Rexisme stressed that the corrupt rich people and the purchased governments were only in it for themselves and purposely created divisions between the people to distract from what they were doing and remain in power. Once again, this sounds very true to me and still probably the case today even. Originally, in the continent of Europe, the man most Rexists looked to was Benito Mussolini of Italy who was being very successful and, remember, was having kind words said about him by leaders like President Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Mahatma Gandhi in India. In Italy the Fascist party also advocated a muddled, limited kind of corporatism (I think Mussolini tended to just use the term because he did not know what his core ideology could be called) and it had a monarchy to maintain Italian traditions and made peace with the Catholic Church by signing the Lateran Pact.
Up till this point I have to say that Rexisme would have sounded pretty good to me. However, the young Degrelle was great at being a populist leader, giving inspirational speeches, but was also easily influenced himself and it seems his big trouble started when, in European politics, the success of Mussolini was eclipsed by Adolph Hitler. After this time Rexisme began to show signs of more and more imitating the NSDAP in Germany with thug leader style and growing racism and anti-Semitism which originally had no part in the Rexist platform. Degrelle had been doing very good politically, at one point even earning more votes that any other Belgian politician ever had but the Nazi attraction would be poisonous.

This is significant because some people since have said that King Leopold III and the Rexisme shared a common agenda. This would probably have been big news to the King who I cannot see having anything to do with them, especially after they became more radical. He probably agreed with some of their early ideas, that were good ones, like many people did, but this sounds to me like just a way of attacking the legacy of the King because of the low reputation of Rexisme after the war. I have never seen any evidence that the King sympathized with them nor have I seen really any signs that they craved his approval. I cannot imagine the King doing that, taking a side, for any political party or movement whatever.
World War II was really the end of Rexisme. The Germans occupied the country and some followed the example of Leon Degrelle who joined the German war effort to fight the hated communists on the Eastern European front. Others were horrified by the cruelty of the Germans and the pagan style and anti-Catholic attitudes of the Nazi Party officials they saw. This caused some Rexists to join the underground resistance against the Germans. Degrelle, however, fought for Hitler and proved to be a very heroic and talented soldier. He earned a heap of medals and decorations and Hitler even said to Degrelle that if he had a son he would want him to be like Degrelle, mostly I assume because he was such a great warrior. As for Degrelle, he became a hopeless Hitler sycophant for the rest of his life. All of this made Rexisme ‘guilty by association’ and killed the movement. After the war his family was persecuted and Degrelle escaped to Spain under threat of execution where he lived the rest of his life unrepentant and totally convinced that Hitler was right and everyone else was wrong. Even he seems to have abandoned the movement he started by the end of his life.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
The Belgian Forces in Afghanistan

Since the start of the NATO mission to liberate Afghanistan from Taliban rule the Kingdom of Belgium, part of the EU and a NATO ally, also sent military forces to help in what was called mission BELU ISAF 21. The military presence has been between 590 and 600 Belgian soldiers. The primary duty of the Belgian contingent has been to provide crucial security for the Kabul International Airport. It had been expected that the military mission would end last year but, at the request of President Obama of the United States, the mission was extended for a year. Obviously economic problems have been a major part of this with unfortunate reductions being made in the army because of budget shortages.
Aside from keeping open the vital Kabul airport, Belgian units (KUNDUZ 16) have also participated in the defense of the northern PRT's Kunduz (in the north where the majority of allied forces are German) and Mazari Sharif as well as Kandahar in the south. Since 2008 the Belgian air component has deployed four F-16's (the American "Fighting Falcon" attack jet) and 140 associated support troops to Afghanistan based at Kandahar Airport. The Belgian fighter jets operate in close cooperation with the Netherlands aircraft of the same type that have long operated out of that area. Plans have been approved to send more aircraft, probably 4 more F-16's and about 150 more troops to see the mission through.

Belgian forces have done great service on a number of special missions such as the rescue of a British journalist working for the New York Times in September of last year. The Belgian military has also sent a number of military instructors to assist in the large-scale campaign to train and prepare the Afghan military forces to function without foreign assistance and make it so the NATO forces can come back to their own homelands again. These are great heroes doing a great and noble mission in the world today. God bless the brave troops!

The First Crusader

What makes this even more outrageous is that the first Crusader of history was the Belgian

Godfrey and his Belgian soldiers smashed through the Gate of St Stephen, as the shock troops of the army, so that the French knights of Raymond of Toulouse could charge in to take the city. Then there was the infamous "sack of Jerusalem" where some of the Christian knights got out of hand and killed some civilians and destroyed some parts of Jerusalem. However, Godfrey de Bouillon took no part in that action and condemned it for being behavior unworthy of the Catholic religion. He was such a great warrior and such a respected man of integrity that he became the first King of Jerusalem. Are modern people really that aware of this great historical hero?
If Godfrey de Bouillon could see Belgium today, what do you think he would say about the large and growing Muslim presence? If King Richard 'Heart of the Lion' could see England today what would he say? Religion used to be something that the large majority of Belgians had in common, even if not everyone carries it out the same way or to the same extent, but being a Catholic country was something that united the people because most everyone had that in common with each other. How can a growing Muslim population do anything but cause even more division to the country? How can such a population ever really fit in to a country that is so directly opposed to what they are all about? The culture of Belgium and the culture of Islam are opposed to each other and if things continue as they are one will have to win and one will have to lose, one will dominate and the other will be suppressed. I know which side I support! Vive le Belge!
Interview About Prince Alexandre

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